The Wake Forest Brand Guide
Wake Forest is a place that develops both intellect and character, and our brand conveys the balance and interconnectedness of that dual purpose. This comprehensive brand guide ensures that our visual identity system remains as strong and enduring as our institutional mission.
From logo standards to color palettes, a unified and cohesive platform of guidelines enables designers and other content creators to align across applications and express Wake Forest’s vision clearly and consistently. If we do it right, then who we are is also how we are perceived.
The Wake Forest brand guide is organized so that specific elements are easily accessible. Consistent use of these visual standards will fortify a distinct and cohesive brand for the University while enabling schools, departments and programs to communicate as distinct entities.
For the School of Medicine standards, visit their Creative Communications site.
Logo and Seal
University Logo,
School Logos,
Departmental Logos
and Sub-brands
Primary Fonts and
Website Typography
Manipulation and Usage
Writing Styles
University Style, AP Style Reference Guide,
Conventions and Exceptions
Colors, Patterns and Papers
Primary and Secondary Colors, Patterns and Paper Choices
Resources and Templates
Business Cards and Letterhead, Online Letterhead Template, Email Signature, Name Badge, Avery 5395 Name Tag Template, Slide Templates and Interior Signage Requests
Print Suppliers and Licensed Vendors
Custom Printing, Signage and Wide Format and Licensed Vendors
Logos and Templates
Marketing and Brand Examples
Print, Web Design, Social Media and Marketing Samples
We’re Here to Help
For help with a project, questions about templates or resources, or advice on aligning with the brand standards, please contact identity@wfu.edu.